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Amanda Jackson
Lead Senior Inspector
Havering Education Services

Amanda is the Lead Senior Inspector at Havering Education Services, with over 25 years of experience in primary and secondary education as a teacher, leader, and school improvement adviser. She specialises in computing, online safety, and the effective use of Education Technology. As a School Improvement Professional (SIP) and LA Quality Assurance adviser for primary schools in Havering, Amanda provides support and challenge for whole-school improvement. 

She has collaborated with Rising Stars on the development of the BETT Award-winning Switched on Computing, Switched on Online Safety, and other titles. Amanda has also worked with the Department for Education to help shape the education technology content of the Teacher Workload Reduction Toolkit. A NaaceMark Assessor, she has supported and assessed primary, secondary, and special schools. Outside of her professional role, Amanda serves as a governor at a primary school in Essex.