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Thought provoking conference sessions from inspirational speakers

The one-day event will feature an inspirational line-up of educationalists, central government policy-makers, session talks, Q&As and networking opportunities to explore practical solutions for managing and developing education in the UK.

The conference streams have been themed around the main issues affecting school management.  Delegates will be able to pre-register for each session.


This session explores the concept of school leadership and how we might develop expertise further.

1 Introduction & Overview
Stephen Morales, Institute of School Business Leaders (ISBL)
2 Working with other leaders
Hannah Stolton, Governors for Schools
Q&A Using feedback to become a better leader
Chaired by Stephen Morales with guests Hannah Stolton and Rachel Younger


This session will look at recent changes to Ofsted inspections

1 Introduction & Overview
Amanda Jackson, Lead Senior Inspector, Havering Education Services
2 Follow the leader - a school’s improvement journey
Rob Carpenter, Leadership Consultant & Trust Leader of the Inspire Partnership
3 School score cards: will they capture what parents tell us they want to see?
Colin Diamond CBE, Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Birmingham
Q&A Ofsted attainment vs. children’s long-term learning
Chaired by Amanda Jackson with guests Colin Diamond & Rob Carpenter


This session explores schools resource management, professional development of a schools business/admin staff and approaches to financial management and effective spending.

1 Commercial support to schools
Ben Hardy, DfE Schools Commercial Team

2 A fresh approach to financial management
Lana Stoyles, Head of Business Transformation, Nexus Multi Academy Trust

3 What MATs should consider when it comes to financial strategy
Peter Melville, Chief Operating Officer, South West Essex Community Education Trust / Incensu
4 Self-assessment and professional development
Institute of School Business Leaders
Q&A Panel discussion - Does business have any business in education?
Chaired by Ben Hardy with additional guests Hannah Stolton, Crescent Consortium and the Crown Commercial Service


This session discusses strategies to increase teacher recruitment and priorities for improving teacher retention

1 The Future of Initial Teacher Training: how can we attract more people to the profession, and keep them?
Emma Hollis, CEO, National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers (NASBTT)
2 Funding temporary staff
John Wilson, Category Lead, Crown Commercial Service
3 Fixing the retention crisis

Q&A Panel discussion - The difference between induction and mentoring
Chaired by Emma Hollis, NASBTT


This session explores the role of schools in SEND support, mainstream inclusion and leveraging collaboration.

1 The role of schools in SEND support
Amanda Wright, National Association for Special Educational Needs

2 Removing barriers to learning
Alan Wood, Director, Co-Founder at Evidence for Learning/theTeacherCloud
Q&A Panel discussion - Stepping outside the box: An understanding of schools & SEND support
with nasen and further guests to be announced


This session explores just a few of the estate management issues affecting schools now.

1 The collaborative approach to sustainable schools
Dave Smith, Director of Procurement and Trust-wide Projects, Osborne Cooperative Academy Trust
2 How to plant bright ideas into your school ethos
Alex Green, Head of Let’s Go Zero
3 Buying energy & energy efficiency goods and services for schools
Crescent Consortium
Q&A Panel discussion - Are current net zero targets in schools working?
Chaired by Dave Smith, Osborne Cooperative Academy Trust


Learning beyond the classroom - supporting students to thrive and achieve

Theatre hosted and facilitated by Council for Learning Outside the Classroom and CEO Dr Anne Hunt

1 Evidence – what the evidence tells us
Anne Hunt, CEO, Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
2 Putting it into practice - simplifying risk management and building your confidence to take learning beyond the classroom
Kate Lodge, LOtC Adviser, Edsential CIC
Q&A Panel discussion - Top tips for starting and developing learning beyond the classroom at your setting
Chaired by Council for Learning Outside the Classroom CEO Anne Hunt


Actionable advice & best practices essential for creating a conducive learning environment.

Theatre hosted by National Alliance of School Premises Management

1 Legal Compliance and safe systems of work
Stuart McGregor, Director of Operations, National Association of School Premises Management (NASPM)
Q&A Panel discussion - Compliance and the challenges of being a duty holder
Chaired by Stuart McGregor with guests Chris Coyle Operations Manager and Paul Jackson, Headteacher


Inspiring talks and sessions on digital skills and the rise of AI in school settings.

Facilitated by Niel Mclean, Head of Education, BCS

Q&A Panel discussion
chaired by Niel Mclean OBE, Head of Education, BCS