It's essential you store your pupils' medication correctly while in school. Medpacs are ideal for storing all prescription medication including asthma inhalers and spacers, Epi-pen/Jext pens, epilepsy and diabetic medicines, as well as allergy medication, or antibiotics.
Medpac was born in 2011 when founder Jayne Tarrant’s daughter Jessica was suffering from Epilepsy when she started school.
In Jayne's words -
"The idea for Medpac was born from a personal need! When my daughter was diagnosed with a condition that required her to carry medicine with her at all times, I was suddenly faced with the challenge of what to put it in.
As well as needing to carry it with us at all times, the school needed a set with photo ID and a treatment plan."
Jayne created four prototypes before settling on the final design. She did extensive research into what kinds of conditions people suffer with, what medication is needed, where people often need to transport medication and school medicine storage policies.
Since then, Medpac has won the Achieve Magazine Health & Support Services Award 2016, they were the overall winner in the All Other Resources category for the Primary Teacher Update Awards 2015 and they were the overall winner in the childcare category for the Practical Pre-School 2016 award.